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Three specific soybean meal processing environments with different TI levels

Moritz, J.

Soybean meal samples were obtained from a commercial soybean processing plant that utilized solvent extraction. Sample variation was generated by increasing or decreasing conveyance through the integrated desolventizer/toaster/dryer/cooler unit (DTDC). We characterized the samples as Under processed (187 TPH DTDC), Peak processed (180 TPH DTDC), and Over processed (136 TPH DTDC). Characterization was referenced to 175 TPH conveyance being optimal based on the plants equipment manufacturer recommendations. Analyzed crude fat, crude fiber, and moisture were decreased and crude protein increased for Over processed relative to Under processed. Trypsin inhibitor activity generated from two independent laboratories decreased for Over processed (4.5 TIU/mg) relative to Under processed (5.3 TIU/mg). Peak processed samples varied; aligning more with Over processed for crude protein and fiber but aligning more with Under processed for moisture, crude fat, and Trypsin inhibitor activity. Samples were also assayed for KOH, PDI, and Urease by three different laboratories. Data show variation among and within laboratories. The most consistent measure was associated with the Urease assay, demonstrating the lowest pH change for Over processed (0.06), highest pH change for Under processed (0.66), and Peak processed being intermediate (0.17). Broiler starter diets formulated to 85% of Ross 308 crude protein and digestible amino acids were batched and mixed using Under processed, Peak processed, and Over processed soybean meal samples. A positive control (PC) was also manufactured using 100% of Ross 308 nutrient specifications and the Peak processed soybean meal sample. Hubbard x Ross 308 broiler chicks were fed mash diets from 0-21d and performance was measured. Live weight gain (LWG) was increased for PC relative to Under processed (P<0.05) and numerically increased relative to Peak processed and Over processed (P=0.01 and 0.09 respectively). Peak processed LWG was increased compared to Under processed (52g, P<0.05), and similar to Over processed (P=0.95). Over processed had numerically increased LWG relative to Under processed (P=0.06). Feed conversion ratio (FCR) was decreased for PC relative to all other treatments (P<0.05). Under processed had increased FCR by 3pts or more relative to all other treatments (P<0.05). Over processed had numerically lower FCR by 2pts relative to Peak processed (P=0.07).

Broiler chick live performance demonstrated nutritional differences in soybean meal samples that were not consistently described through various ingredient assays. Broiler chick nutritional value of the samples obtained in this study aligned best with the Urease assay.