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Soybean Quality References


Bootwalla, S. 2009. Apparent metabolizable energy and amino acid variation in soybean meal and its implication on feed formulation. American Soybean Association Technical Bulletin AN38 Bootwalla pdf.

Kumar, V., A. Rani, L. Goyal, A.K. Dixit, J.G. Manjaya, J. Dev, and M. Swamy. 2010. Sucrose and raffinose family oligosaccharides (RFOs) in soybean seeds as influenced by genotype and growing location. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58(8):5081-5085.

Medic, J., C. Atkinson, and C.R. Hurburgh Jr. 2014. Current knowledge in soybean composition. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 91(3):363-384.

Pfarr, M.D., M.J. Kazula, J.E. Miller-Garvin, and S.L. Naeve. 2018. Amino acid balance is affected by protein concentration in soybean. Crop Sci. 58:1-13.

Ravindran, V., M.R. Abdollahi, and S.M. Bootwalla. 2014. Nutrient analysis, metabolizable energy, and digestible amino acids of soybean meals of different origins for broilers. Poultry Sci. 93:2567-2577.

Stein, H.H., L.L. Berger, J.K. Drackley, G.F. Fahey, Jr., D.C. Hernot, and C.M. Parsons. 2008. Nutritional properties and feeding values of soybeans and their coproducts. pp. 613-660 In Soybeans, Chemistry, Production, Processing, and Utilization. L.A. Johnson, P.J. White, and R. Galloway, eds. AOCS Press, Urbana, IL.

Thakur, M., and C.R. Hurburgh. 2007. Quality of US soybean meal compared to the quality of soybean meal from other origins. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 84:835-843.