A new updated review of the use of soybean meal in swine diets has been written and is available on the internet. Dr. Han Stein, an international known nutritionist at the University of Illinois has written a comprehensive review on the subject. In the 12-page review he discusses several soybean protein products that are used in swine rations; soybean meal composition; the nutritional value of the meal’s components; soybean meal’s competitive advantages over other feed protein ingredients; and provides about 25 references for further study. The review is one of the most comprehensive, complete and technically advanced reviews on the nutritional benefits of soybean meal in swine feeds written. Dr. Stein concluded with the following comments: “Soybean products are excellent sources of protein for pigs because their amino acid profiles complement those of cereal grains. Amino acids in soy protein are more digestible than amino acids in most other plant proteins, which results in less nitrogen being excreted in the manure from pigs fed diets containing soybean meal than if other protein sources are used. Processing of soybean meal to reduce anti-nutritional factors improves the digestibility of nutrients and energy, and soybean meal that is fermented or enzyme treated may be used in diets fed to weanling pigs as replacement for fishmeal and other animal proteins. Soybean meal contributes approximately the same quantity of digestible energy to the diets as corn, but the energy contribution from full fat soybeans and from extruded expelled soybean meal is greater than from conventional soybean meal. Soybean products have a relatively high concentration of phosphorus and if microbial phytase is used in the diet, the digestibility of the phosphorus in soybean products is relatively high. Inclusion of inorganic sources of phosphorus can, therefore, be reduced if soybean products are used together with microbial phytase. Soybean meal can satisfy the entire requirement for amino acids in diets fed to growing and finishing pigs and to gestating and lactating sows. However, inclusion of conventional soybean meal in diets fed to newly weaned pigs should be restricted to less than 20%, but enzyme treated or fermented soybean meal may be used in these diets as additional sources of amino acids.”