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Dietary Energy Utilization of Soybean Meals Originating From Varieties Having Altered Sugar Composition Fed to Broiler Chickens (Metabolizable energy of trait-enhanced soybean meal in broilers-on handout)

K. R. Perryman*SC, C. K. Gehring, and W. A. Dozier, III, Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
October 2010

This research evaluated soybean meals originating from varieties having altered sugar content with broiler chickens. Four experiments were conducted. In experiment 1, metabolizable energy (ME) of soybean meals were determined. Results in experiments 1 were used to formulate diets in experiment 2. In experiment 2, broilers were fed diets containing different soybean meals supplemented with or without an exogenous enzyme (carbohydrase) during a 42 d production period. Measurements will consist of growth performance, foot pad lesions, and processing yields.