An experiment was conducted to evaluate the impact of lipid source on gross energy (GE) and ether extract (EE) digestibility in nursery pigs fed diets containing 10% soybean oil (SO), choice white grease (CWG), palm oil (PO), distillers’ corn oil with approximately 5% FFA (DCO-1), or distillers’ corn oil with approximately 10% FFA (DCO-2). Fifty-four barrows weaned at 28 d of age were fed a common starter diet for 7 days, and then group fed their respective experimental diets for an additional 7 days and then moved to metabolism crates and individually fed their respective diets for another 10 days. Following this period, a 4-d total fecal and urine collection period was used to determine apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of GE and EE and to determine the digestible (DE) and metabolizable (ME) content of each lipid source.Soybean oil had the greatest (P ‹ 0.05) DE (9,388 kcal/kg) content compared with DCO-1, DCO-2, CWG, and PO (8,001, 8,052, 8,531, and 8,293 kcal/kg lipid, respectively). The ATTD of EE averaged 85.0% and varied slightly (84.4 to 85.6%) among treatments. Differences in ME content among lipids were similar to those reported for DE, with ME values for DCO-1, DCO-2, CWG, PO, and SO being 7,921, 7,955, 8,535, 8,350, and 9,408 kcal/kg lipid, respectively. Metabolizable energy as a percentage of DE did not differ among lipid sources. These results indicate that DE and ME content of SO are greater than that of other lipid sources evaluated.