A laying hen study was conducted to determine the energy value of bi-distilled glycerin and the comparative performance of diets containing bi-distilled glycerin, linseed oil and/or soybean oil. The treatments consisted of the replacement of energy from soybean oil with graded levels of bi-distilled glycerin and/or linseed oil. Results indicated hen performance was not affected by the level or oil source (P > 0.05). Bi-distilled glycerin showed gross energy, AME, AMEn and energy coefficient of metabolizability of 4,217 kcal/kg, 3,362 kcal/kg, 3,505 kcal/kg, and 79.7%, respectively. The conclusions developed were the dietary energy from soybean oil in the layer’s diet can be replaced with energy from bi-distilled glycerin and/or energy coming from a mixture of 50% linseed oil and plus 50% bi-distilled glycerin.