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Assessing soybean processing add-backs in soybean meal via broiler performance testing

Crafton, S., K. Gaffield, R. Goodband, C. Umberson, E. Greene, K. Nelson and M. Kidd

This experiment assessed the feeding value of soybean meal with the inclusion of soybean crush plant add-backs” ingredients (i.e. gums and soapstocks) fed to Cobb MX x 500 male broilers from 0-45d of age. Five corn and soy-based diets were formulated with soybean meal containing various levels of soybean gum and soapstock inclusion or the addition of an inert filler. Diet 1 contained soybean meal with no add backs whereas diets 2-5 contained either 4% gums, 4% soapstock, 2% gums and 2% soapstock, or 4% inert filler, respectively. Diets were fed to 1,200 male broilers placed in 10 replicate pens of 24 birds in a randomized complete block design. Birds were weighed on day 0, 14, 28, and 45 and live performance was assessed from 0-45d. Additionally, on each weigh day, one bird per pen was selected for body composition analysis using dual x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). On day 45, six birds per pen were randomly selected and processed for determination of carcass traits. Moreover, on d45, 2 birds per pen were administered 8.32 mg/kg, MW 3-5 kDa Fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran; blood was collected l h post gavage and fluorescence was measured at an excitation wavelength of 428 nm and emission wavelength of 528 nm using the Synergy HT multi-mode micro plate reader for determination of gut integrity. All data were analyzed using a One-way ANOVA using JMP software with diet as the fixed effect and block as a random effect with pen as the experimental unit. Statistical significance was considered at P ≤ 0.05. Diet 1 had significantly higher feed conversion from 0-45d than treatments 2-5. On d28 birds fed Diet 1 had significantly higher DEXA analysis mineral, calcium, and phosphorus mass compared to birds fed diets 2-5. No significant responses were observed for carcass yields, gut integrity, or woody breast measurements.

Broilers fed soybean crush processing gums and soapstocks had performance equal to or better than control birds fed diets devoid of soybean add backs.