…table values for some nutrients, selective sourcing their soybean meal and upgrading their ingredient database as new values are developed. Technical Resources Composition Chemical composition, protein quality, and protein digestibility…
Standard Soybean Composition Specifications Soybean Flakes and 44% Protein Soybean Meal are produced by cracking, heating and flaking soybeans and reducing the oil content of the conditioned product by the…
…National Soybean Research Laboratory www.publish.illinois.edu/aces-nsrl/ North Central Soybean Research Program www.ncsrp.com Poultry Science www.academic.oup.com/ps Soy in Aquaculture www.soyaqua.org Soy Foods Association of North America www.soyfoods.org Soy Protein Council www.spcouncil.org Soy…
…soybean meal. The website is designed to be a “Center” or primary source of key information regarding soybean meal as an important supplement protein for livestock, poultry and specialty markets….