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Soybean meal functional compounds – the science behind observations of improved pig health and viability

Petry, A.

This presentation aims to provide an overview of soy functional bioactive compounds and their potential effects on pig health and physiology. A functional bioactive compound is a naturally derived, dietary compound that is regularly consumed and impacts a particular physiological process. Functional bioactive compounds are not considered nutrients, as their lack does not correlate with any specific deficiency. Soybean meal has a rich profile of functional bioactive compounds. including polyphenols and terpenoids, bioactive peptides, dietary fibers and oligosaccharides, and functional lipids. Four categories of compounds represent approximately 70% of the functional bioactive compounds found in soybeans that have recognized effects in human nutrition and are most prevalent in soybean meal: 1) polyphenols and terpenoids including phenolic acids, isoflavones, saponins; 2) bioactive peptides, usually generated by designed, incomplete digestion; 3) dietary fiber and oligosaccharides; and 4) functional lipids, including phytosterols and phospholipids. These compounds can act alone, or synergistically with the gut microbiome to create metabolites, that have many biochemical and physiological functions that transcend traditional nutritional roles.

We will discuss proposed mechanisms of soy’s functional bioactive compounds inferred from various sectors, including human nutrition and medicine, cell culture experiments and disease challenge models.