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Global challenges in poultry nutrition

Kidd, M.

Poultry producers and integrators are faced with a myriad of immediate and long-term challenges, both can impact production goals and ultimately, profitability. Immediate challenges in poultry nutrition continue to represent better understanding ingredient quality and quantity of nutrients. Although ingredient availability varies considerably globally, adaptation of robust ingredient assay techniques resulting in realized formulation changes that better predict bird performance can be obtained. For example, collaboration on analyses of soybean meal amino acid content between soybean processing plants and broiler nutritionists and mill managers would not only increase the value of soybean meal, but also allow for predictive and precision formulation. Long-term challenges in broiler nutrition include knowledge gaps concerned with modern broiler needs biological requirements” for some less-studied amino acids, minerals, and vitamins. Increased knowledge of nutrient release from multiple exogenous enzymes will continue to improve precision and create diet formulation flexibility. Indeed, physiological and molecular research that aids in elucidation of nutritional responses will prove beneficial when nutrient increases for stress or health are warranted. Regarding calories, methods to calculate and predict energy needs are still debated. Further, an assessment of precise mineral and vitamin source/replacement source levels are needed.

Robust data management and data modeling can shed light on profitability scenarios as affected by dietary alterations. Scenarios across regions, in various breeds, will be presented and discussed.