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Assessing productive energy for extruded full-fat soybean meals obtained from six different soybean sources in the U.S

Scott, A., C. Umberson, C. Selby, J. Weil1, N. Suesuttajet, D. Martinez, M. Riaz and C. Coon

Full-fat Soybean Meal (FFSBM) serves as a dual source of quality protein and energy in poultry diets. The present study determined the main characteristics, nutrient digestibility, and performance contributions of six sources of FFSBM. The soybeans were selected from six different states. A 42-day performance study consisted of feeding 1800 fast-growing male Cobb-500 broilers in 90-floor pens with corn-soybean meal basal for starter, grower, Finisher I, and Finisher II with 4, 8, or 12% for each test FFSBM without implementing control group. The data were analyzed as a completely randomized design. Each treatment was replicated five times in each dietary phase. Broiler performances were subjected to a one-way ANOVA and Tukeys HSD to compare separate treatment means. The AMEn, Classic NE, and Ark NE (PE) were determined for each FFSBM. The standard ileal digestibility (SID) of nutrients: protein, amino acids, starch, lipids, and sucrose of the six sources of extruded FFSBM was also determined. The mean values for PE, classic NE, and AMEn of the six FFSBM were 3705, 2759, and 3527 kcal/kg, respectively. The FFSBM provided additional energy as Ark NE (PE) compared to AMEn and classic NE. The FFSBM source D provided the best weight gain and FCR (1.34) ranked first in BCAA (5.95%) and digestible TSAA (0.94%) respectively. The FFSBM source E provided the second-best performance and contained digestible Protein, and TSAA (33.96, and 0.89) % respectively, and ranked second among the different FFSBM sources.

In conclusion, this characterization and performance study demonstrated that full-fat soybean meal could be used as an alternative feed ingredient in broiler diets, providing additional energy and amino acids to enhance performance. The increment of FFSBM in broiler feed across feeding phases positively impacted performance and Arkansas net energy values in the 42-day study.